Sunday, June 19, 2016

Taman Negara in a Book

We're back from our trip and now it's time to get started in our first assignment, and that was - to detail your findings from Taman Negara and compile them in a scrapbook. In architectural version, it's basically to prepare a report based on your analysis of Taman Negara. Haha for this, we're doing it in an interesting and fun way.

Behold my scrapbook.

If you are coming into FNBE soon and if you happen to be assigned to do this, these are my advices for you:
  1. In whatever assignment you do, take it seriously! And by what I mean seriously, I mean be patient in presenting the best of your work. If you want to do a good job in your assignments, patience, preseverence and tahan-ness is key. (they basically mean the same thing)
  2. This assignment is really challenging for me because I needed to narrate my adventure with visuals as my emphasis - pictures, sketches, drawings, you name it. People understand more easily if you put up pictures. You don't have to be architect or a designer for this advice, if you want to present your work, besides verbal and text, you have to learnt how to present visually.
  3. Research before, during and after your assignment. Throughout the process of this assignment, I realised that you need to do a lot of research, from how you observe your surroundings, to the making of a scrapbook, and right up to how you should author your trip. You even need to know how to arrange your content and how you want your scrapbook to look like before you begein. I found some parts difficult to complete because I needed to express my observations about Taman Negara more in depth.
And that's for my scrapbook assignment. It could have been much better. Nevertheless, I felt proud of my work because I kind of use resources of what I had in the house and it looked like a legit scrapbook. And I put effort and tried my hand at painting. *satisfied*

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