Sunday, June 19, 2016

Experiencing Nature

For our Nature Series, our class had organised a trip to Taman Negara, which is said to be one of the most legendary and the oldest rainforest in the world. This is to encourage us to get an exposure to how the natural environment is like.

When I first heard that we're going to a rainforest for three days, I felt pretty nervous and excited about it at the same time because this was going to be my very first experience to a natural place *city girl problems*. Nevertheless, I had enjoyed myself and I came back home with a craving for outdoor adventures now. *still am and proud with no regrets!*

To venture into the deeper parts of the forest, we had to travel by boat. This was me, with Tom and Qhalis. These were our "OMG" faces.

Would you look at that humongous tree..the tiny orange thing at the left corner of this picture is actually some of my friends in a boat! See the dramatic difference in size!

Caught this little black insect during our Night Walk

Reached the peak of Bukit Teresek. Challenging hike but worth it. The view was a beautiful sight!

We also visited an Orang Asli Village. And this is the roof of an Orang Asli home. Made of natural materials with bamboo as the main structure frame.

Oh, and we had this game series throughout our trip called "King of the Jungle". Our class was divided into three tribes. I was chosen to lead one of the tribes which we called Kabuto (beetle in Japanese). I was scared to lead at first, but then my tribal mates were really encouraging and helpful. And together, we made the night awesome!

One of our first pictures together as a class, and more to come! This was just the beginning of FNBE January 2016.

Besides making fond memories from our short adventure, I actually learned a lot.
  1. I realised how vast, beautiful and different the world of nature is. I felt intimidated by how majestic nature poses and also felt that nature should not be destroyed. I felt the need to protect it.
  2. Since we're going to be architects in the future, our profession is going to greatly impact nature. This is going to remind us while planning how to design our building, we will also need to strongly consider the effect it has on its surroundings. Is it going to destroy or *hopefully* improve?
  3. If you want to fully experience something, you have to learn how to observe well, by using your five senses and also be courageous to be curious. Open yourself up to the surroundings.


  1. You took my comments positively and now see how well you have improved for your project 2! Good job kid!
